We've spent a fair amount of time digging in the dirt, having many mistakes and failures, sprinkled amongst a few garden victories and bountiful blooms!
Our recommendations below are supplies that we consider tried and true.
We encourage you to support "local" and to purchase supplies from
your neighborhood plant nursery and hardware store.
(Note: Many of the links below point to Amazon as we are one of their gazillion affiliates.
We acknowledge that we have relied on online purchases to help us grow our farm when we have had limited access to goods and supplies locally.
When it comes to gardening, having the right tools makes for lighter work in the garden. We've done some of the research and have found that you don't have to pay through the nose for a good set of quality tools.
Tools that are properly maintained, stored and kept out of the hard elements will last with little care.
Plant Nutrition
When your plants are given excellent nutrition, they will be more productive and cope better against stress from the elements (weather, drought, disease, etc.)
Battling Pests & Disease
Strive to prevent destruction by bugs and garden diseases by keeping your plants well fed and preventatively protect them with organic products such as the ones suggested below.
*Spray in the early morning or at dusk to keep companion insects like honeybees and lady bugs safe!
Want more time in the garden? Give your skin and eyes a little shield from the harsh UV's of the fiery ball in the sky. Sport some colorful gloves and protect your precious paws too!
Seed Sources