Our Story

Turbow Farms is a small, family-run, specialty cut flower farm nestled in the foothills of Los Altos, California. We started our farm in 2018, tucking our blooms into the way we live and utilizing our native greenery that surrounds our little plot!
The results have been both challenging and rewarding as we are limited by space and by drought. But when we see our children run amongst our blooms and our menagerie hide amongst the leaves, we smile.
To our friends and family who have helped us cultivate this dream come true: We are ever so grateful for your tireless support-- from mentorship, seed sowing, transporting plants from our "sister farm," to countless hours and love poured into our flowers. THANK YOU.
"Gather and Create” ...
Growing common and not so common flowers, we share our harvest through our workshops. Each workshop is a unique experience that immerses participants into the world of floral farming and design.
Our fresh blooms are also available through our flower subscriptions, bundles, and seasonal offerings, March through October.
We are VERY THANKFUL to be embraced by our community and humbled to have the opportunity to share beauty through our flowers.
With love from our farm to you,
The Turbow's