Here's a short list (and some pointers) of tools that we have found to be truly essential to running our microfarm. "Tried and true," some of the tools we use have multiple uses, but for the sake of keeping things simple, we have classified the tools by "task at hand."
Outdoor Protection
Lightweight sunglasses

I grew up in a town that we now jokingly call "RAIN-couver." In my youth, my friends and I were always desperately seeking the sun. I remember baking ourselves with baby oil! Now I'm much wiser and trying my best to protect my skin from the harsh UV rays. Even on cloudy days, my morning regime includes sunscreen. I've also managed to find a wide-brimmed hat that keeps its shape and doesn't mess with my hair-do!

A butter knife
Mixing tub
Hand trowel
When it comes time for potting up seedlings or amending soil, a medium-sized mixing tub or wheel barrow comes in handy for wetting soil and mixing with a hand trowel. A simple butterknife is not only great for popping seedlings out of trays, but it's also useful for creating similar sized holes for potting seedlings up into 4" pots.

You don't have to pay through the nose for a great set of tools. Gonicc brand snips and shears that we bought years ago have remained sharp with little care.

We probably have more weeds than the average farmer! Both the hori-hori and hula hoe allow us to get in between plants, effectively lifting roots of weeds out.
Note: Hula Hoes also come in longer 5'+ sizes for raking out weeds for larger areas.
Digging/Planting/Lifting out plants
Round point shovel with D handle
Pitch fork
Hand trowel WITH meausrement markings
Hard rake (wood handled or fiberglass)

When it comes to shovels/pitch forks/rakes, we usually choose a tool with a durable fiberglass or steel shaft over wood, despite its weight. Over time, I need a tool that is durable against working with clay and can also withstand the elements. (Yes, I am as equally guilty as my kids for leaving tools out and about!)
Note: We love our double-sided rake. The larger tined side is great for moving compost out of the truck and the smaller tined side comes in handy for leveling amended soil!
Next on my wishlist is a slatted spade to cope with our heavy clay soil in the wet winter months!!

Two Gallon Pump Sprayer
When it comes to feeding plants, we not only amend our beds before planting, but we also foliar feed our plants with a mixture of kelp and other liquid based nutrients to keep them healthy and blooming.
What's your favorite garden tool ? Please share with us!
Recommended products:
Wide brimmed sun hat:
Color Science GLOW Sunscreen:
Bonsai shears:
Bypass/pruning shears:
Hori-hori knife:
Short/hand-held Hula Hoe: