October and November is a great time to plant root stock for bountiful blooms that will arrive in early Spring.
Be sure to add the following to your line up!
•Ranunculus & Anemones
•Narcissus or Daffodils
•Sweet peas
Ranunculus and Anemones
Here at our micro flower farm, we start our pre-sprouting process with our ranunculus and anemones in late October/November and follow with a second batch in January. This ensures that we have a flow of blooms from March through May.
FARM FAVORITES: Italian Ranunculus, Elegance Series & Butterfly Ranunculus

To learn how to pre-sprout and plant ranunculus, you can either read our blog, or check out our YouTube videos
Now is also a great time to get bareroot peonies into the ground. Peonies perform best when planted shallow, with about 1” of soil over their “eyes” or sprouts.
We love Marcia of Charmarron Peony Nursery in San Jose. She has exceptional peonies ready in pots for pickup or order by mail for bareroot tubers.
FARM FAVORITES: Really ALL OF THEM. But if I had to pick a few...Oochigeas, Belle of Toulousaine, and Etched Salmon.

Tulips can often be a bit fussy and difficult to grow here in zone 9 simply because tulips really need a good chill. Don't fear. There is a workaround.

If you're reading this blog in November and you are about to acquire some bulbs, be sure that they are PRE-CHILLED. Tulips need about 10-12 weeks of chill. So even if you get pre-chilled bulbs, plan on storing them in refrigeration in a vented cardboard box, away from any fruit or vegetables for a few more weeks. Keep them refrigerated between 41F to 48F and check weekly for mold. Plant your bulbs out by late December or early January for blooms by late February/early March.
FARM FAVORITES: Dream Touch, La Belle Epoque, Reknown Unique
Narcissus or Daffodils
Unlike Tulips, Narcissus can naturalize to our temperatures. Plant your bulbs sooner than later! Keep your eyes out for slugs and snails once your beauties are in bloom!

Farm Favorites: Angel Fire, White Lion, & Petit Four
Sweet Peas
Sow seeds either in trays or in ground. Sweet peas do very well with chilly temps and establish readily. Expect frilly blooms to start ramping with warmer weather in late March/April

Farm Favorites: Beaujoulais, Clotted Cream, Chocolate Flake, Chelsea Centenary, & Bix