Alas, we are within the JUNE GAP! This is the time when Spring blooms are burning out and Summer blooms are just starting to ramp.
For us here at the farm, it is a time to keep our eyeballs focuses on the glass being half full. It's easy to get discouraged and feel like there is not much in bloom. However, this is a great opportunity to look and appreciate blooms that are usually termed "the supporting staff." These flowers gathered together or even en masse can make stunning bouquets!
Keep your eyes peeled for blooms like Statice, Choclate Lace Flower, and Strawflowers.
So it's time to nurture the garden a bit...
Collect seeds
This is a great time to catch seeds from plants that you enjoyed growing this past Spring. Plants will start to die back quickly with bursts of summer heat. Simply place fabric mesh bags over developing seeds pods and cinch the ties firmly together. Be sure to label bags.
2. Remove spent blooms and plants
Spring blooms such as anemones and ranunculus should be pulled up and removed. Anemones and ranunculus do not oversummer well here at our farm as they need drier conditions to go into dormancy. Left in our beds, the regular irrigation will simply cause them to rot.
*Our sweet pea patch is quite crispy. It's time to clear them out of their beds.
3. Harvest summer blooms
Breadseed poppies, Chocolate lace flower, Statice, and Strawflowers are usually the first of our Summer blooms to bloom for us in June. Some of these florals also dry well and can be used for dried floral work. We will normally set aside 50% of these blooms for drying.
4. Pinch!
Plants such as zinnias and cosmos need pinching to promote side branching. When they have reached about 8" in height, pinch back the central stalk by a node or two. If your seedlings are setting a central bud early, simply pinch off the bud.
5. Install trellises, stakes, and support
Blooms such as dahlias, zinnias, cosmos and celosias need a little bit of support. We like to use 6" squared hortonova netting. (Pictured below: hotonova tenax netting installed horizontally to support growing celosia.)
We secure it horizontally to wooden stakes or T-posts placed at the corners of beds. Blooms start to reach for the sky and find their way through the squares and lean onto the tensile material for support through the growing season.

6. Pause -- Enjoy the growing process!
Be sure to stop amongst your blooms and give yourself a pat on the back. Growing rainbows is not easy!!! CONGRATULATIONS!
Share some flowers with a neighbor or new found friend. See how much joy you can spread!!
Love from our farm to you!!!